Love Life and Stay Healthy

Annual Health ChecksTehachapi-Doctor

Did you know… anyone with a learning disability can have a check-up at their doctor’s surgery each year?

This is called an Annual Health Check – here’s some information about what you can expect.

  • The health check will need a longer appointment time than you usually have at your doctors. This is because the doctor and/or nurse will want to check lots of things about your health.
  • If you visit the doctor quite a bit during the year, your doctor might already have quite a lot of information about you so your health check might be a little shorter. If you don’t go to the doctor much, it might take a little longer.
  • You can go on your own, or you can take a supporter or family member with you.
  • The doctor and/or nurse will ask you a lot of questions about your health and your life. You and your supporter will need to be ableBlood_Pressure to tell the doctor/nurse all about yourself and your health. It’s best if your supporter is someone who knows you well and can help to answer the questions. It’s important that you answer honestly so the doctor/nurse gets a clear picture of your health.
  • You might be weighed and your height measured
  • You might have your blood pressure taken.
  • You might have to have a few tests done
  • You might be asked about your lifestyle….do you drink or smoke… much exercise do you get each week.




Some illnesses do not get better on their own. If the doctor finds out you have an illness, they can help you get better. The sooner the doctor finds out, the easier it will be to make you better

This is why it is important to have a check every year.





Your Health Action Plan 

When you’ve had your health check the doctor/nurse will decide what needs to happen to help you stay healthy. This information will be put into a Health Action Plan and sent to you.Health Action Plan

This information will be written in a way you can understand and will tell you what will happen to help you stay healthy.
It will tell you about the things you can do yourself and the things other people will do to help you stay healthy.
